The weekend will come soon. What will you plan to do on weekend? There is no doubt that different people may have different choices. No matter what you gonna to do, I believe all the world of warcraft players must want to enjoy their game time without disturbance. Do you agree with me? Actually, what I want to tell you for today are Patch 6.2.3 Hotfixes in recent days. You can get the details from the following parts. By the way, you can also get very cheap wow gold here. It is a safe way to buy Cheap WoW Gold online at
Players are now automatically dismounted in the area around Greatfather Winter and Winter Veil presents. Greatly increased the spawn rates of quest objectives for the following Winter Veil quests: What Horrible Presents!, Grumpus, Menacing Grumplings, and Where are the Children? What Horrible Presents!: Spirit Bomb should no longer incorrectly cause players to become flagged for PvP.
Guild Challenge completion credit for guild groups in dungeons and raids are now only awarded when completing current-expansion content. To offset this change, Guild Challenge completion credit no longer requires Dungeon Finder to queue for the dungeon. This means guild groups can now complete Mythic dungeons for Guild Challenge credit. Additionally, the gold awarded for all Guild Challenges has been increased by roughly 50%. A discussion for these changes is available in the forum thread: Guild Challenge System Changes.
Faerie Swarm's movement reduction effect should now be able to be correctly dispelled by abilities that remove magical debuffs. Besides that, Gear above item level 725 is no longer scaled down within Ashran. Starting armor should now have dual primary stats for characters that utilize a Level 100 Character Boost.
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