It's absolutely thrilling for all Dark Age of Camelot players that a new celebration event is available now. The Midsummer celebrations will bring us lots of new activities.
Gold.raiditem.com believe that you can have fun in this wonderful event. Then what will this event bring you? Check it out in this article.
This event is available during July 26 - August 23. That means you have plenty of time to farm DAOC Platinum to get ready for the interesting activities in this event. Now, let's see what these acticities are.
The Midsummer event is made up of 2 stages:
Stage 1
Level 50 characters will be offerred the Dragon Eggs quest from Guy, Garmr or Salle.
Each completion of this quest grants 1,000 realm points!
The first realm to complete 150 of the Dragon Eggs quests wins the first stage!
After a realm wins, no realms will be able to turn in the Dragon Eggs quest again until the next stage is completed and the event has reset.
Stage 2
During Stage 2 of the event, level 50 characters will be offerred the Spirit of War quest from Guy, Garmr, or Salle. A Dark Dragon will spawn and CAPTURE one of the enemy realm keeps.The captured keep is chosen randomly. However, a keep can only be captured if the winning realm does not already own it. Are you finding cheap DAOC Platinum at Google? Just click gold.raiditem to buy it .
Dark Dragons repeatedly destroy the outer walls of any keep they are flying over. For the duration of this event, keep walls on all keeps will not provide realm points when repaired. Keep doors still provide realm points when repaired.
Once a keep has been captured by the Dark Dragon,The Spirit of War will spawn to battle the Dark Dragon at the keep.
Once the Spirit of War leaves a keep, the event resets and the Dragon Eggs quest can be obtained and completed again.
This is the peocedure of Midsummer event. You can experience them now. Please share your feeling with gold.raiditem.com here. We'd be very glad to hear from you. And you are highly recommended to ask me anything about to buy DAOC Platinum on our website. It's my pleasure to help you.