Last week, Blizzard finally announced that World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 would be rolled out: January 16 in North America and January 17 in Europe. The update patch includes some of the latest features promised by the development team at Blizzcon 2017. However, these days see more discussions among WoW mounts fans about something you may miss. Follow to see important things you have ignored.

Reduction to WoD & Pandaria Raid Boss Health
One of the things that veteran 'mog hunters noticed after the deployment of the patch was that raid bosses across the board had received a significant health boost. That is a good thing in most cases, particularly in vanilla, Burning Crusade or Wrath expansions since some bosses died so fast that instances would bug out. That said, however, the over-tuned health pools of Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria raid bosses was so high (+300%) that many players found themselves unable to solo or even duo them before mechanics kicked in. Keep in mind that Blizzard has always said that old raids would be able to be soloed since they were no longer relevant other than as mog treasure troves or for mounts, pets, etc.
One of the things that veteran 'mog hunters noticed after the deployment of the patch was that raid bosses across the board had received a significant health boost. That is a good thing in most cases, particularly in vanilla, Burning Crusade or Wrath expansions since some bosses died so fast that instances would bug out. That said, however, the over-tuned health pools of Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria raid bosses was so high (+300%) that many players found themselves unable to solo or even duo them before mechanics kicked in. Keep in mind that Blizzard has always said that old raids would be able to be soloed since they were no longer relevant other than as mog treasure troves or for mounts, pets, etc.
After much hue and cry on the forums and on other social media outlets, Blizzard acknowledged the issue and deployed a patch to remedy the situation.
We want to be clear: our intention was never to greatly increase the difficulty of soloing old raid content for transmog or mount runs, but a side effect of the creature health tuning we did for leveling players. We're currently working on a fix that will significantly reduce the health of Warlords and Mists raid bosses.
Other big changes that arrived in 7.3.5 include
- Cold Weather Flying (Lich King) and Wisdom of the Four Winds (Pandaria) requirements are removed
- Command Boards offer story-based quests that lead to Loremaster achievements when all completed
- new toys, pets and collectibles in Silithus
- increased reputation gains for Argussian Reach and Army of the Light for completing weekly quests
- killing Elite rares on Argus yields Argussian Reach or Army of the Light reputation
- profession world quests yield Army of the Light or Argussian Reach reputation
- Druid Lunarwing form has a /sit emote
- new models for Baine Bloodhoof, Nathanos Blightcaller, Saurfang, Gallywix
- heirlooms have been severely nerfed
- Mythic Blast Furnace nerfed
Big Changes to the Recruit-a-Friend Program
For years, World of Warcraft players have been able to give a "leg up" to friends brought to the game through the Recruit-a-Friend program. Due to changes in the leveling experience in 7.3.5, however, that XP boon is being reduced to 50%. "We are making these changes to ensure the XP boost doesn't upset game balance and undermine the experience, while still giving a significant XP boost".
For years, World of Warcraft players have been able to give a "leg up" to friends brought to the game through the Recruit-a-Friend program. Due to changes in the leveling experience in 7.3.5, however, that XP boon is being reduced to 50%. "We are making these changes to ensure the XP boost doesn't upset game balance and undermine the experience, while still giving a significant XP boost".
According to some players, these fetures show the best patch in World of Warcraft history. Someone may enjoy leveling now a lot than he or she did pre-patch. Though it seems a little bit awkward with the new scaliing mechanic, most of players still like to buy WoW power leveling for new content without hesitation. That's the magic of World of Warcraft, right? What will be your favorite changes taking place in patch 7.3.5 update? Glad to see you opinions. Raiditem is offering cheap and safe runescape items with great bonus, if you are interested in our promotion, feel free to contact us.
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