"More than 7.4 million of Azeroth's champions have taken up their positions on the front line, ready to face the full might of the Iron Horde with the upcoming release of the Warlords of Draenor™ expansion on November 13," Warlords of Draenor official press release stated.
"To make the transition to Warlords of Draenor as seamless as possible for current and returning players, all previous expansions have been added to all existing World of Warcraft accounts. This means that moving forward, all current subscribers and everyone reactivating their subscription will automatically be up-to-date with the latest content through Mists of Pandaria," the statement added.
World of Warcraft's fifth expansion, 'Warlords of Draenor' is scheduled for a commercial release date on Nov. 13. One of the pre-release campaigns to drum up buzz and curiosity, is the free offering of Iron Tide patch update.
"Patch 6.0.2: The Iron Tide is now live, and this pre-expansion update introduces tons of new content and features to the game," Blizzard Entertainment said.
The new content includes characters and interface upgrades, and more. A pre-expansion digital purchase would boost a character to level 90. The standard edition sells for $49.99, while Digital Deluxe has a price tag of $69.99.
Meanwhile, virtual tickets for the upcoming BlizzCon on Nov. 7 and 8, are now available for purchase in Battle.net Shop.
"The Virtual Ticket provides access to two days of live HD BlizzCon coverage across two streaming online channels, along with on-demand replays and DVR functionality so you can catch any of the action you might have missed," the promotional blog noted.
World of Warcraft is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Visit here to buy WoW gold!
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