In addition to this, another aspect of update is The Infiltration of Blackrock Spire, which is a revamped, five-player version of Upper Blackrock Spire, has players doing what is needed to a party of Iron Horde members who have retreated to Blackrock Mountain, which has been revamped for the update. Only available to level-90 characters for a limited time, this sets the stage for the upcoming fight against the Iron Horde, as you will be fighting Kyrak, Commander Tharbek, and Orebender Gor’ashan.
At the same time, Blizzard has also announced that you can undelete your characters, which is great news for those who haven’t decided what class to play. There are some stipulations :
– You can only use the undelete option every thirty days
– Characters between level 10 and level 29 will no longer be recoverable after 90 days.
– Characters under level 10 and Death Knights at level 55 are not eligible to be undeleted.
– Characters between level 30 and 49 will no longer be recoverable after 120 days
All characters level 50 or higher can be undeleted at any time, with all of their gear intact. While Blizzard is currently saying that you won’t be able to undelete a character from years ago, they say it may be possible in the future depending on how high their level was at the time of deletion.
So, stay close for more information and news. If you want to buy cheap WoW gold, click here to find the best site!
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