The patch will also continue the Legendary ring quest that will run throughout Warlords of Draenor. The next step will give players the chance to recruit a Legendary follower for their Garrison. The identity of this follower is unclear but Blizzard reassures players that this companion will have "suitably Legendary abilities."
Players' garrisons will be further improved by new upgrades and activities debuting in Patch 6.1.
Blizzard has some changes in store for the player-versus-player side of the game, too. They want to make competition more balanced in the new world PvP zone Ashran while also reducing queue times. They hope to add more content to the zone throughout the year, too. The spectator mode for PvP will be getting an overhaul as well to make it run smoother in both official and player-run events.
One of the earliest new features coming to World of Warcraft in 2015 will be the Blackrock Foundry raid, though. Today Blizzard estimated that the raid will launch in February. They're keeping tabs on how guilds are progressing through Highmaul now and may adjust the release dates of Blackrock Foundry based on that data.
For more updates about WoW, please stay tuned! We exclusively offer you the latest information as well as cheap WoW gold you need!
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